
That day as i waved goodbye to those cruel memories, i swored beneath my breath. That's it. That's the most i can tolerate. Anything worse than that and i will retaliate.

I could'nt bring myself to forget the painful incidents and hurts they inflicted on me and i don't think i can ever forgive them. I struggled for years before i can bring myself to trust people again. Do you know how badly i was hurt? I bet you could'nt care less. I will get stronger and one day, i will let you know that patience and forbearance is the key to success....



today,wad had i done to being suffered by someone so called a brother???a biology brother..........................................................-_-

when i came home,i jux wanted to use the com while he is sleeping.......then,the next moment,he disconnected the server and forbid me to operate the com........i was infuriated......................and then i plucked out all the wires .........the com is on my table yet i had no control over takes up my study desks and i has no place to study.......they will sit in front of the com from morning till night non stop and me???everyday sitting outside living room to study......on the floor......i hate it!!!!!!

when i plucked out the wire,he started to pinch me on my arms .....its really painful and i turns blue black.........he demanded me to insert the wires back and i refuse.........then he kicked and punch me...............p_p
i tolerated and he hit me until i bleed..........i hate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and called me DOG................

well,i hated all this yet i could not retaliate...even if i tell my mum,they will say my fault.......

one day,i will stop all this...........

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