
That day as i waved goodbye to those cruel memories, i swored beneath my breath. That's it. That's the most i can tolerate. Anything worse than that and i will retaliate.

I could'nt bring myself to forget the painful incidents and hurts they inflicted on me and i don't think i can ever forgive them. I struggled for years before i can bring myself to trust people again. Do you know how badly i was hurt? I bet you could'nt care less. I will get stronger and one day, i will let you know that patience and forbearance is the key to success....


hi has been a long time since i last blogged.....below are some new pictures that are just uploaded .........ENJOY!!

heres my term 1 overall results:

1]a- math: 98/100....A1
3]combined humanities.....forgot....but A1
4]english.....forgot...should be B3
5]physic.....should be B3
6]chem......should be B4 or C5

overall percentage:76

Im really disappointed with my results.....didn't performed as expected.....

motto for term 2: I WILL WORK EVEN HARDER

my passion to dance seems to grow rapidly.......always thinking of new moves ....doesn't seems right.......ok...i noe..its out of topic....but im really wondering what my future is......

people around me are in love.....except me.....everywhere there seems to be an item appeared before me, appearing intimately and very sweetly.......^v^

lovers listen up:love for all u can!

can anyone tell me that am i really very strict when im a councillor????????????????????????

....3s1 guys seems to loathe sorry if i had to be strict towards individual because im just doing my duty....don ever tell me to pretend that i didnt see any rules flout when i actually did sere it....cox,its my principle!!!

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