
That day as i waved goodbye to those cruel memories, i swored beneath my breath. That's it. That's the most i can tolerate. Anything worse than that and i will retaliate.

I could'nt bring myself to forget the painful incidents and hurts they inflicted on me and i don't think i can ever forgive them. I struggled for years before i can bring myself to trust people again. Do you know how badly i was hurt? I bet you could'nt care less. I will get stronger and one day, i will let you know that patience and forbearance is the key to success....



we emerge as champion for MSR competition!!!!!!!!!!
dustbuster rocks!!
we reach ps at 12pm..the earliest....cox we want to see alan luo........qing ning was damn disappointed when she didnt have the chance to take photo og xiao zhu......'

we went there and have lunch...mrs zahri treat us....then we went to report at around 230 for briefing.and we are being filmed for disney channel........and at 330 ,the competiton start!!!!!!! 1_1.....nervous yet excited.......finally its our turn and we went up there giving it all.....we r the 1st team.....after all groups finished their performance,we stayed around for the result.........and finally the long awaited result was out...........we held on to each other hand and hoped for the very best.....consolation prize pass,third prize pass,and then GRAND prize........whole atmosphere was so tense......and then the MC announce ORCHID PARK!!!!we hugged each other numerous times and went on stage to receive goodie bags, a FREE HANDPHONE, TROPHY, and a $2500 cheque..the other participants was so friendly and they came forward to congratulate us........9v9

the feeling was wow!!!!

and after that we had another round of dancing......

and we stayed back for filming and feels like STARS!!cool yea....we went backto school feeling lethargic and headed home..........=w=

does anyone have DISNEY CHANNEL????????????

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